Getting to know me! The big and little things I love and dislike about life :)
1. I am an only child. I love it! But then again, I don't know anything else haha.
2. I love reading and have loved it since a very young age.
3. I am an INFJ or ENFJ on the Myers Briggs Personality Test. Depending on who you are talking to they'll vouch for me being either introvert or extrovert.
4. My grandparents are like my best friends, and some of the greatest people I have ever met.
5. My primary love language is quality time :) I think time is one of our most valuable possessions, something that we cannot get back or count or get more of. But it can hold such power in our minds through good and some bad memories.
6. Last Spring, a few friends and I, volunteered in a CYC camp where we were cabin leaders for children from grades/ years 4-6. It was such an amazing experience! I loved interacting with the kids, being in fellowship with others, and having such great character growth from the camp! I cannot wait to go back!
7. I am of Samoan, Tokelauan, and Chinese decent! I have never been to either of those places, but they are definitely on the list to explore and learn more about!
8. I have launched my own little health business! It strives to house and empower women with a village of strong, inspirational women to surround themselves with, earn a second income, and live their most healthy lives! We provide whole food products which are proven to boost immune systems and energy!
9. I love art, it is one of my greatest passions! In my high school years I was featured in a local art gallery with other students with an excellence in art.
10. I am qualified scuba diver, up to 18 meters deep! And I also have a certificate two in outdoor recreation. This is so ironic because prior to doing the qualification I was definitely not a water person. You would not catch me at a pool, or at the beach, or eating seafood! I am a truly changed person (Except for the seafood part. Fish are friends, not food ?).