Does the dust ever settle?
Change is inevitable. Whether we change is a question only we can answer. Each season brings new joys, new opportunities, and new shortcomings. Our latest memories cloud the old and we carefully weave together our lives and ourselves, deciphering good and bad, and right from wrong. We can continue to build onto foundations or watch the walls around us fall relentlessly. Every decision we make moulds our characters, shaping them into the people we are today. Guaranteed. There is no turning back from the people we are becoming.
For every new season I encounter, I want to write about all its truths and what it has offered to me. I will be striving to showcase resources of healing, portray different perspectives, and endorse creativity. I want to write about the change each season presents with authenticity, sincerity, and vulnerability. I hope to encourage your inquisitivity with questions and help you find solace in your journey. I write in hopes to bring hope, to share a life well lived and discovered- even when life decides it doesn't want to be.
"Suddenly there was a great earthquake! For an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, rolled aside the stone, and sat on it." Matthew 28:2 (NLT).
I don't think it ever does truly settle. The dust. Life. I think we shouldn't wait for it either. Normalcy is not a common occurrence. Change is always inevitable because suddenly, God surprises you. In Matthew 28 it speaks of Jesus' Resurrection, He was raised to life after all that was inflicted upon Him and against all odds. God had sent a great earthquake to announce Jesus' arrival, and yet again the dust was blown in the air once more. When life begs to close and entrap you into stone tombs, God moves and He ruffles societal rules and limited mindsets for you. You do not have to conform to the person and clone the world has placed before you. But you are able to live in the beauty of who God has uniquely created you to be.
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. The dust doesn't settle in the day or in the night. It is always being stirred and trifled with. The dust is blown in different directions, it gets lost and gets lost again. And with it we creates new familiarities and we learn to live in them. We learn to live uncomfortably. We find peace and rest in it. Enjoy the season you are in. Don't wait for life to be swept away from you to enjoy it again.
So, does the dust ever settle?
No. Dust never settles, like the night it never sleeps.